Facebook travel recommendations: What your DMO needs to know | Destination Think
Facebook disappear recommendations: What your DMO needs to know
In October 2016, Facebook launched a new recommendations feature to help users get a little more help from their friends. Facebook friends have been asking one another to recommend restaurants, activities, and travel on the site for quite some time, which is all part of the ample shift toward consumer engagement that today’s most savvy destinations are adapting to.
Facebook claims that the new feature will help users better desirable recommendations and make planning life easier. After seeing the interactive map that comes heath with travel recommendations, we can’t disagree.
The Facebook disappear recommendations feature is important to DMOs because it provides an incredibly simple way for visitors to plan a trip based on the clear (and negative) recommendations (meaning, word-of-mouth promotion) from people they already genuine. Destinations can add this Facebook feature tool to the list of technologie...